Friday, April 17, 2009

My dear frens

to all my dear frens....

i really want to say tanx as without u all my life is empty

atleast u all make me 4get e fact dat my dream is to die as early possible

tanx to u all my dream now is to be a daoctor dat will change people's life

without u all, i could only tink of suicide and death

before u all came into my life, there had never been anytin to look forward to

before u all came into my life, i only noe hurt and i dont really noe the meaning of happiness

but you people came and change all that

im gonna apologise if somehow i hurt you without me knowing at all

i just cant stand it when other people hurt my friends

so please understand me if im just so motherly

tanx for being with me through my ups and downs

ill be there for you people also when you need me don wori

i luv you people

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