Wednesday, July 29, 2009
sooo sorry
btw yesterday during cca something happen. i noe all e ncos dat were der were laughing at me n having fun. dis is wat happen.
i approach mdm
me: mdm permission to knock dem down mdm.
mdm: wat?! u wan to knock dem down? using wat?
den u noe, dah lah scary wen approaching her den i do dis kind of mistake ish!!!!
if u dont understand not my prob
sooo sorry
btw yesterday during cca something happen. i noe all e ncos dat were der were laughing at me n having fun. dis is wat happen.
i approach mdm
me: mdm permission to knock dem down mdm.
mdm: wat?! u wan to knock dem down? using wat?
den u noe, dah lah scary wen approaching her den i do dis kind of mistake ish!!!!
if u dont understand not my prob btw listen to dis songs.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
am i heartless????
im soo sorry bout e letter. i noe i shld pervent dis from happening cause i noe how sad n stuff u will feel but as a fren i wuld have to break it to u no matter wat cause its for ure own good. i don wan u to keep destroying ure future like how u r doing now. if ders anyway i can kol u tell me yah. im sooo worried sick dat i don tink i can handle dis anymore. can we still b frens after wat i did? im full of guilt rite now but its for ure own good. idk lah fuck lah wif all dis problems.
another thing to e person yg prasan aku pangil kau lelaki tk guner, im so not apologising to yah cause in the 1st place not my fault. u weree 1 dat assume i kolled u dat. like mr lim n ms chua always say if u assume, uer making an ass out of u n me so yeah im not in e rong. tapi since kau dah terase n marah sgt kat aku smpai cam gini, i wuld jus say pls jgn terase.
fuck lah all dis ppl n fuck all e problems dey bring tooo
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
my situation???
When I love you,
I want you.
Even if I can't get you,
atleast let me be there for you.
I want to let you go,
go far away from my life.
But my heart won't agree,
even if you're the worst choice.
since e skool started, i felt tat we r much apart n i think its e best as dis will allow my heart to rest n i will take dis opportunity to kick u out of my heart n shut it for the rite one to come along one day. but dat does not mean u can hurt her like dat. u didnt kept ure promise to her n u tink i would trust u? go to hell yah. stop doing dis to ureself n jus b ureself ok? it wont hurt being ureself. im waiting for dat day to arrive. till den, jus consider dat our frenship had take sometime off. jus remember no matter what, ill always luv my frens n i do love u
Saturday, July 4, 2009
k ah ehk i don wan to elaborate bout my day yesterday bcause some1 will get jelus if i do.
im waiting by e fone wif ure picture hanging on e wall(literally). btw its reli killing me waiting 4 ure reply. it sucks like hell bitch!!! cant u jus reply? fucker and btw ure gg outta ma life sucker hahaahhahaahah kat dlm dunier nie ader satu jer aku so too bad ah tkder penganti untuk aku and i also noe......
Thursday, July 2, 2009
you are my sunshine
confirm in kindergarten u all got sing u r my sunshine rite? so listen to dis. its nicer but sounds uite sad uh. i luv it haha. gtg i hav to go to skool for first aid duty
kay pertame today is e day we celebrated sjab day n its ok luh not bad. luv it n appreciating it cause dis will b e last year tat ill b wearing n showing off my fav sjab uniform 4 e whole day in e skool. im e most proudest cadet u can ever find in all e universe.
keduer i miss jaga being here wif us all. u might ask y i didnt kol her but everytime i kol her der will always b smth dat makes us hav to hang up n it sucks. miss disturbing her n iritating her cause she hav a nice reaction n she will always say "basket sia aishah".
ketiger i reli reli reli cant wait 4 cca n its siriusly killing me. ish i hate waiting.
yg last skali ntah asal aku rase kiter makin lamer makin jauh n is it pasal cause dat time we had no choice but to leave u alone 4 quite sometime? or cause were nth to u? ntah lah ehk oh yah n btw i jus felt dat we r drifting apart slowly n silently n it dosent feel good so pls kol me up one day wen ure free ok? ill always luv ya.
btw my tagboard is rite at e bottom