ehk im worried bout u. how r u? pls atleast sms or kol me. pls. im so worried sick bout u . again. pls do tell me if ure fone gets taken by ure parens or watever dat hapens to u. pls let me noe if ure atleast ok. u nid my help, u noe wat to do rite? anytime u can ask me 4 help. im der 4 u. pls jus sms me will do. tc. ly.
sometink i can nvr tolerate is ppl hurting my frens. smtimes i don mean to b mean but if u hurt my frens den ouh too bad ah! one more tink is y betray ppl wen dey start trusting u? stupid rite? wher e hell is ure noodle? in ure but? lastly is ppl taking oth ppl's trust 4 dem 4 granted. ppl r trying sooo hard 2 get ppls trust n u take e person's trust n did dat? a person's trust shuld b guarded by ure life like how a millionaire guard his money n diamonds. trust is smth hard to earn so pls use ure noodles n tink n do wat is appropriate kays?
btw watch dis! btw ders justin timberlake
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